Greenland on a pearl string

10 days around Nuuk, Ilulissat, and Glacier Lodge Eqi

We welcome you to a wonderful trip to Greenland that gives you great freedom and the opportunity to visit four beautiful places, including Greenland’s three largest towns, Nuuk, Sisimiut, and Ilulissat. You’ll experience whales, icebergs, and the pearl of Disko Bay, Ilulissat Icefjord. This is a great trip if you like to explore, see the classic highlights, and visit some of the more untouched places.

Nuuk – the exciting Arctic capital

Nuuk is Greenland’s vibrant and fast-growing capital, with plenty to see and do. It may be a small capital, but you can feel it really is a capital with its cultural center, parliament, shopping center, and huge size. It’s 10 kilometers from one end of the city to the other! You can also enjoy the harbor life as we’ll be staying at Hotel SØMA, located by the harbor.

Sisimiut – the adventure capital of Greenland

Located on the Arctic Circle, Sisimiut offers a very different experience. It is a beautiful town in hilly terrain. We’ll stay at Hotel Sisimiut, where you can soak in warm outdoor hot tubs and enjoy the beautiful views.

Ilulissat in Disko Bay

In Ilulissat, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to experience ice in all its forms. You can hike to the Icefjord, sail on the Icefjord, and find a bench to sit and enjoy the view of the Icefjord.

Front row seat to a calving glacier

There will also be a glamping night, during which you will stay in a beautiful wilderness tent at Glacier Lodge Eqi, overlooking the 6-kilometer-wide Eqi Glacier.

The trip takes place between June and August, which is summer at its best in Greenland, with high sun and contrasting impressions: green mountains and white icebergs, strong sun rays and hazy fog, gentle flower valleys and cool glaciers, and cliffs that cut through vast tracts of land. Temperatures are mild, and Greenland’s national flowers, Niviarsiaq, the bluebell, and other flowers are busy decorating the mountains.


  • Explore the picturesque towns of Nuuk, Sisimiut, and Ilulissat
  • Enjoy the icebergs in the midnight sun
  • Get close to the calving glacier
  • Experience the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Icefjord

Included in the trip

  • Flight Copenhagen – Nuuk roundtrip
  • Flight Nuuk – Sisimiut
  • Flight Sisimiut – Ilulissat
  • Flight Ilulissat – Nuuk
  • Transfers airport-hotel v/r in Greenland
  • 2 nights at Hotel SØMA in Nuuk with private bath/toilet
  • 2 nights at Hotel Sisimiut with private bath/toilet
  • 4 nights at Hotel Arctic with private bath/toilet
  • 1 night in a wilderness tent in Glacier Lodge Eqi
  • Breakfast in the morning
  • Welcome dinner at Hotel SØMA (excluding drinks)
  • Welcome dinner on the first stay at Hotel Arctic (excl. drinks)
  • Full board at Glacier Lodge Eqi (excluding drinks)
  • Food and drinks on the Copenhagen – Nuuk round-trip flight
  • Welcome or information meetings in all three cities
  • City tours in Nuuk, Sisimiut and Ilulissat
  • Hikes to Tele Island and Sermermiut, including a visit to the Icefjord Center
  • Evening excursion to the delta with coffee and tea and hike to the moraine at Eqi Glacier
  • All taxes and fees declared to Greenland Travel to date
  • 20 kilos of weighted luggage and 8 kilos of hand luggage
  • Tour Leader

Not included

  • Meals (in addition to those mentioned)
  • Travel insurance

Day program

Rebecca Gustafsson - Visit Greenland
Day 1:
Flight Copenhagen - Nuuk, welcome meeting and city tour

We fly with Air Greenland from Copenhagen to Nuuk. A 4½-hour flight and an eight-day adventure awaits.

After the practicalities of check-in and unpacking in your room at Hotel Hans Egede Express, the guide will have a welcome meeting. After the meeting, you’ll have time to get to know Nuuk better at your own pace and get ideas for what today and tomorrow can offer.

Nuuk has only 19,500 inhabitants, but you’ll experience a vibrant “big city” as it is a government city with many cultural and educational institutions. Nuuk is growing constantly and is now about 10 kilometers from end to end. You’ll find concerts, a theater, museums, and exhibitions. Sports are central to many people’s lives, so you can go hiking, skiing, sailing, running, strength training, yoga, and even swimming. You can read more about Nuuk here.

You will go on a city tour on your first day in Nuuk.

City tour in Nuuk

The city tour includes a visit to the Greenland National Museum. Here, you can see artifacts from all periods and civilizations in Greenland. After about 30 minutes at the museum, we continue around the area known as Colonial Harbor. This is where most of the original houses from the 17th and 18th centuries still stand. On the way, we pass Hans Egede’s house, the Mother of the Sea sculpture, and the controversial statue of Hans Egede at the Greenland Cathedral.

We then head to “Kalaaliaraq/Brættet,” the traditional market where locally caught fish, seals, and reindeer are sold fresh. We now head towards the Greenland Government Buildings and then towards the Greenland Cultural Center Katuaq, where our tour ends. You’re now as central as you can be, and there are great shopping opportunities here and many other exciting things to do.

Try one of the many wonderful restaurants Nuuk has to offer in the evening.

Raven Eye Photography - Visit Greenland
Day 2:
On your own in Nuuk or a boat trip to Qooqqut (optional)

There are plenty of things to do in Nuuk, and you can go for walks both in the city and the beautiful terrain surrounding it. If you’ve purchased the excursion package, you’ll go on a boat trip this afternoon.

Boat trip to Qooqqut – catch your dinner (included in the excursion package)

At 3:30 PM, we will leave Nuuk on a boat trip to the excellent Qooqqut Nuan’ Restaurant. But this is no ordinary restaurant visit.

We sail through the huge fjord system behind Nuuk, the second-largest fjord system in the world. In the Qooqqut fjord, we stop the engine and fish for your dinner. Today, there will be no complaints about the fish not being fresh!

Qooqqut is located in a wonderful valley in the Qooqqut Fjord. The mountains surrounding the valley are up to 2,000 meters high. One of Nuuk’s most respected chefs stays here in the summer and serves amazing dishes. For dinner, we will eat our own freshly caught fish.

Unusually for this high up in Greenland, trees are beautifully scattered in the area behind the restaurant. Consider taking a little hike for a great photo opportunity while the chef prepares your fish.

After lunch, we hop back on the boat and turn the bow towards Nuuk, where we arrive around 9:00 PM.

Aningaaq Rosing Carlsen - Visit Greenland
Day 3:
Flight to Sisimiut, sightseeing, and hike to Tele Island

Today, we fly to Sisimiut, Greenland’s second-largest city with approximately 5,500 inhabitants. The city is beautifully situated in the middle of a rocky landscape with picturesque wooden houses in bright colors. The flight lasts about an hour and is quite breathtaking. We fly along the coast, which opens up with a magnificent view of the water and the beautiful mountains that surround Sisimiut.

Accommodation and welcome meeting in Sisimiut

After check-in at the beautifully located Hotel Sisimiut, you’ll be welcomed by a knowledgeable local guide who will tell you about the town and the many excursion options.

Cultural and historical city tour in Sisimiut

Then it’s time for a guided cultural and historical tour of Sisimiut. The city tour provides a great insight and overview, as you get to know the city and hear about how it was founded and about life today.

Sisimiut is a very real Greenlandic town where you’ll experience dog sleds stacked up for the summer, dry fish stands, sled dogs licking the sun on the rocks and trendy clothing shops alongside the exciting museum area in the old town.

We pass by the “Kalaaliaraq/Brættet” (the local market) and the town hall and visit the old town where the original 18th-century colonial buildings now house the exciting and authentic museum.

After this introduction to the lively modern city, you’ll go on a walking tour back in time.

Hike back in time

Despite Greenland’s vast size, people throughout the ages have chosen to settle in the same areas. Tele Island, Sallinnguit, is one such place where past and present meet. Various Inuit cultures have lived here for the past 4,000 years. Even today, artifacts bearing witness to this can be found alongside the telecommunications installations that have given the island its modern Danish name. Hear the story of the Inuit before the Europeans came. See the ruins and enjoy the beautiful view of the island and the ancient fishing grounds. From Tele Island, you will find the most beautiful view of the city and the old hunting grounds.

Hotel Sisimiut
Day 4:
Day at leisure or a boat trip to an abandoned settlement (optional)

The day is at your own disposal. Visit one of the town’s art and craft workshops, where local artists produce and sell jewelry and handicrafts made from soapstone, tooth, and bone.

The excursion package includes an exciting activity today.

Boat tour to an abandoned settlement (part of the excursion package)

If you’ve purchased the excursion package, you’ll sail to the Assaqutaq settlement and hopefully see whales along the way. The settlement of Assaqutaq is currently used as a summer camp for local schools. During the summer months, it is a popular destination for the residents of Sisimiut, who hunt for seals. On the walk through the settlement, we pass the old fish factory, the summer camp, and the beautiful old church. The sea around the settlement is also a favorite playground for whales (humpback, minke, and fin whales), so hopefully, one of these giants will want to say hello to us.

The evening is at leisure.

Hotel Sisimiut
Day 5:
Optional ATV in Sisimiut, flight to Ilulissat, information meeting, and possible boat trip on the Isfjord

Today, you have the opportunity to go on an exciting adventure! It’s probably not for everyone, so we haven’t included it in the excursion package. But if you like adrenaline and speed, this excursion will be your right choice!

ATV Adventure in Sisimiut’s backcountry (extra excursion)

This is a spectacular ATV excursion to explore the enchanting hinterland of Sisimiut. The town is one of the few in Greenland with a dirt road that extends 10 kilometers into the scenic hinterland and serves as the starting point for our full-day adventure. On this adrenaline-filled tour, we’ll explore the wild and breathtaking terrain where lush valleys meet majestic mountains.

Our route takes us through the charming sled dog village, over a picturesque bridge crossing the local river, and along the dirt road that winds around the small, enchanting spots in the area. Along the way, we’ll enjoy our packed lunch and explore exciting places with breathtaking views that can only be experienced on this tour.
A valid driver’s license is required for those who want to feel the thrill of adventure behind the wheel of an ATV. If you don’t have one, don’t worry, as you can take a seat as a passenger with one of the others. It’s a puzzle we can easily solve on the day itself. So get ready for a day that combines speed, beautiful nature, and cultural discoveries – an experience tailor-made for you in the heart of Greenland!

This afternoon you’ll fly north from Sisimiut to Ilulissat.

Accommodation and welcome in Ilulissat

Upon arrival, you’ll be transferred to and check in at the beautifully located Hotel Arctic, which has a front-row seat to the Icefjord. You can learn more about the city and the many excursions at the following information meeting.

If you have purchased the excursion package, you will go sailing in the evening.

Sailing among icebergs (included in the excursion package)

The rays of the midnight sun give the icebergs a unique colorful glow that people return to Ilulissat to experience again and again. Almost every visitor to Ilulissat chooses to try this boat trip between icebergs at least once. More than 40 million tons of ice flows from the Ilulissat Ice Bridge into the Icefjord daily.

The result is enormous icebergs that can reach hundreds of meters each way and extend up to 100 meters above sea level. These giants are stranded at the mouth of the Icefjord, and we have the opportunity to sail among them. Bring warm clothes for the tour or rent a set of sealskin clothes because even in summer, it’s cold out here on the water between the icebergs. This tour takes place in the evening.

Asger Pjetursson
Day 6:
Town walk, hike to Sermermiut, the Icefjord Center, and possibly a kayak tour (optional)

If you’ve purchased the excursion package, you’ll now go on a towntour.

Cultural History Town Walk in Ilulissat

Many say, “Well, we can walk around the city ourselves.” Well, you certainly can, but we go a step deeper on a cultural-historical city tour. Start your experience with a deeper understanding of Greenland’s culture and history that will give all other experiences in Greenland more perspective.

Ilulissat is the Greenlandic word for icebergs. Ilulissat was founded in 1741 and is today Greenland’s third-largest town, with over 4,500 inhabitants and 2,500 sled dogs.
On this city walk, your guide will tell you about the city’s history, Greenlandic culture, and modern life 300 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. Along the way, we visit the fishermen at the harbor and the sellers at “Brættet” and pass Knud Rasmussen’s birthplace and the old wooden church, Zionskirken.

Today you can also enjoy the sight of ice – and learn more about its importance to Greenland.

Sermermiut settlement by the Icefjord and the Icefjord Center

Ilulissat’s beautiful icebergs form the backdrop for the ancient settlement of Sermermiut, one and a half kilometers south of town. For 4,000 years, the various Inuit cultures lived at the settlement, and today, you can still see many remains that testify to their presence. Hear the story of Greenlandic life and customs before the arrival of Europeans, see ruins, and feel the permafrost with your own hands. On the short tour, we turn around at the viewpoint of Nakkaavik, also known as the Old Woman’s Gorge.
In the evening, you can also try kayaking in the homeland of kayaking if you’re so inclined.

Kayak Experience in Ilulissat (optional extra)

Inuit have been using kayaks in Greenlandic waters for over a thousand years, and you can do the same. The kayak glides silently through the water, and you experience the huge icebergs rising around you. The sun gives the ice a unique play of colors. In cloudy weather, the beautiful blue colors of the icebergs will stand out. With a bit of luck, we’ll also encounter whales. The tours take place in stable double kayaks with a support boat. The excursion lasts 3½-4 hours, and you’ll be on the water for at least two hours.

Jette Schwarz
Day 7:
Day on your own or whale watching or helicopter tour

Today is another opportunity for great experiences!

Whale watching (included in excursion packages)

It surprises most people how great an experience it is to get up close to animals as large as whales. Once you’ve experienced it, it’s a thrill and an experience you’ll never forget. In Greenlandic waters, you can encounter around 15 whale species.

During the summer months, we usually see humpback whales, minke whales, and fin whales. The whales swim all over Disko Bay throughout the summer, sometimes close to the city, sometimes in the Icefjord, or up north at Arveprinsens Ejland.

We use the fast boat type Targa so we can go further afield. We are also in good contact with the fishermen, so we know where to find the whales.
There is also another option where you might be able to see the whales from high up!

Helicopter tour (extra purchase)

The Icefjord and Kangia Glacier are the focus of this helicopter tour, flying you into the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can’t get this close to the huge glacier by boat or on foot – and you’ll see it all from above!

The helicopter takes off from Ilulissat Airport and flies as low as safety and laws allow, over mountains, lakes, rivers, and the Icefjord until we reach a mountain at the edge of the glacier. Here we have about half an hour to enjoy the view. We then fly over the glacier front and follow the Icefjord for 70 kilometers on our way back.

Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland
Day 8:
Glacier Lodge Eqi and Eqi Glacier

Today is one of the highlights of the trip.

Sailing to Eqi Glacier and staying at Glacier Lodge Eqi

A unique experience is a boat trip to the calving Eqi glacier. The glacier flows into the fjord 80 kilometers north of Ilulissat, and by boat, it is possible to get close to the glacier’s edge and watch it calve large chunks of ice from a safe distance. Our ice-safe ship lies about two hours before the glacier, waiting for calving wings. A good lunch is also served here.

The length of the boat trip to and from Eqi Glacier can vary between two and five hours each way, depending on the type of boat used that day.

At around 2 PM, the boat arrives at Port Victor, the “harbor” at Glacier Lodge Eqi. On land, the camp guides will welcome you and show you to your wilderness tents. Coffee and cake will be served, and practical information will be provided.

Hike to the delta

Not too far from Glacier Lodge Eqi is a river. We hike there to enjoy the view of the river delta and Eqi Glacier. Here, we can sit for a while and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
Your stay at Glacier Lodge Eqi includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Café Victor. In the café it is also possible to buy drinks such as beer, water, wine and various spirits, as well as some sweets.

Day 9:
Eqi Glacier and boat trip back to Ilulissat

Today we hike over to the moraine at Eqi Glacier.

Hike to the moraine of Eqi Glacier

You’ll wake up in the scenic area of the Eqi Glacier, and before heading home this afternoon, you’ll have breakfast and possibly a hike to the moraine.

From Glacier Lodge Eqi we hike around the small lagoon at the southern end of the glacier. There are often large flocks of geese in the lagoon during the breeding season. The hike continues up to the moraine where we can look down into the huge cracks in the glacier just a few meters from us. From here we also get an overview of the front of the glacier and we will see the impressive calving wings.

The boat departs back to Ilulissat at approximately 2:15 PM. The sail home is the same route as up, and coffee, tea, and cake are served along the way. Seals and whales are often seen along the way.

The day ends with a lovely farewell dinner at Hotel Arctic.

Air Zafari
Day 10:
Flight Ilulissat - Nuuk and on to Copenhagen

Enjoy the last sight of Ilulissat Icefjord from the flight to Nuuk before continuing to Copenhagen, arriving in the evening.

We guarantee you’ll go home with luggage filled with memories that will stay with you longer than other vacation memories – that’s what our travelers tell us.





Glacier Lodge Eqi


Hotels on this tour

Hotel SØMA

The 3-star Hotel Søma Nuuk is located cozily by the harbor in Nuuk and has 43 single and double rooms. The rooms are large and bright with TV, Wi-Fi, telephone, shower and toilet.

The café at the Seamen’s Home is like a living room for those who live there and many locals who come here daily to eat or have a cup of coffee. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, and the Seamen’s Home takes great pride in living up to sustainability principles.

Hotel SØMA
Marinevej 3
3900 Nuuk

Photo by Raven Eye Photography - Visit Greenland

Hotel Sisimiut

Hotel Sisimiut is a cornerstone of Greenland’s second largest town. You find the hotel at one end of the town’s main street, and the hotel is so close to the splendid nature you find in Sisimiut’s hinterland. Especially in winter, it is a paradise for sports enthusiasts, with good paths for alpine activities and, of course, dog sledding.

The hotel offers cozy accommodation and a delicious eatery, Brasserie & Restaurant Nasaasaaq. There is also a delicious spa with two outdoor hot tubs so you can enjoy the warm water after a good hike or skiing trip. Hotel Sisimiut is the ideal home away from home if you want to experience one of Greenland’s most exciting towns.

The hotel has a french inspired à la carte-restaurant.


Hotel Sisimiut

Aqqusinersuaq 86

3911 Sisimiut

Hotel Arctic

Greenland’s most famous hotel is Hotel Arctic in Ilulissat. It is located with a fantastic view of Ilulissat town, Ilulissat Ice Fjord, and Disko Bay. Hotel Arctic is the world’s northernmost 4-star hotel, and on top of that, the hotel features a 5-star conference center. The hotel is located just outside the town, approximately a 15-minute walk from the town center (app. 1.5 km from the central intersection in town).

The hotel has two great restaurants, and the large terrace outside the restaurant is the perfect place to enjoy a glass of wine while the sun shines its golden glow at midnight over the icebergs at Ilulissat Ice Fjord.

NOTE: The hotel offers airport transfers, but there are not transfers in connection with excursions or such.

Hotel Arctic
Mittarfimmut Aqq. B-1128
3952 Ilulissat

Glacier Lodge Eqi

Glacier Lodge Eqi consists of cozy cabins and glamping tents, all of which have a terrace with a magnificent view of the Eqi Glacier on the other side of the fjord. Next to the cottages and tents, a café has been established where all meals are served. Glacier Lodge Eqi is located approximately 80 kilometers north of Ilulissat, and you can only get here by boat. You do not share a tent or cabin with anyone other than your fellow travelers, and it is often also possible to book a single cabin.

Each tent is furnished with good beds, duvets, pillows, bed linen and towels, and chairs.

Glacier Lodge Eqi
Kussangajaannguaq 7
3952 Ilulissat

Excursions (Optional purchases)

Practical information

Flight schedule (local times)

  • Departure from Copenhagen 8:20 am.
  • Return flights arrive in Copenhagen 6:15 pm.

Please note June 16, 2025:

  • Departure from Copenhagen 8:20 am.
  • Arrival in Copenhagen 7:40 pm.

Please note that departure times are subject to change by the airline.

Please also note: We have booked glamping tents at Glacier Lodge Eqi for this trip. It is possible to upgrade to Deluxe cabins, if available.

Guide language
Tours are guided in English and German.

Minimum number of participants
The minimum number of participants is 5.

The tour leader
Greenland Travel has a team of just over 50 active tour guides. Many of the tour guides have been with the agency for more than ten to twenty years and know Greenland very well. Their experience is used in the training of new tour leaders to ensure continuity and high quality.

The tour leader is responsible for organizing all practical tasks such as transportation, accommodation, etc. In addition, the tour leader is the one who knows the areas, good hiking opportunities and cultural attractions. With one of our tour leaders by your side, you are guaranteed the best starting point for experiencing Greenland.

The tour leader has the right to change the route, accommodations, means of transportation and schedule if deemed necessary. If necessary, the tour leader will of course try to do this according to the wishes of the group. Even if traveling in a group, the tour leader will try to accommodate the wishes of the individual.

Packing List
Find the packing list for your trip here.

Baggage included

  • 20 kg of checked baggage
  • 8 kg of cabin baggage (max. dimensions of cabin baggage: 55 x 40 x 23 cm)

Travelers with reduced mobility and wheelchair users
Unfortunately, this trip is not suitable for people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users. Greenland Travel’s difficulty level advise on the excursions are intended for travelers who are not disabled. Of course, we are happy to provide you with information on the suitability of the trip, taking into account the needs you have. Please note that if you choose this trip based on a conversation with Greenland Travel, it is on your responsibility, as we do not have medical competence for advice.

Greenland on a pearl string

10 days around Nuuk, Ilulissat, and Glacier Lodge Eqi

On this tour, you will experience Greenland’s three largest towns, Nuuk, Sisimiut and Ilulissat, each with their own distinctive character – especially in their beautiful backcountry. You’ll also stay overnight at Glacier Lodge Eqi overlooking the calving glacier, Eqi Glacier. With tour leader.

4.050 EUR
per person in double room
June to September  | 10 days  | 9 nights Travel id: 1145 Departure from Copenhagen
Optional experiences
GlaciersIcebergsInuit CultureWhales

When do you want to travel?

  • Departure
  • Duration
  • Price per person in double room
  • Comments

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Do you need help?

You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding your trip or if you need advice or guidance.

We strive to respond to inquiries within 24 hours on weekdays.

You can call us at: +45 3313 1011