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Practical information / Cancellation Insurance

Cancellation Insurance

At a relatively low cost, you can get cancellation insurance that will cover you if you get sick and not able to go on your holiday.

Please note!

Greenland Travel’s travel insurance does not cover pandemics (e.g. COVID19). Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance and cancellation insurance in your own country so you are fully covered. If you already have purchased travel insurance, we strongly recommend that you make sure you are adequately covered in the event of a pandemic.

Greenland Travel recommends that you take out insurance against cancellation due to illness when booking your tour. This insurance can only be taken out when the booking is made and must be paid with the deposit. If you have purchased illness cancellation insurance when booking your tour, you will be entitled to cancel your tour prior to departure, if you fall ill and thereby receive a full refund minus the insurance premium.

Illness cancellation insurance does not entitle you to coverage after departure

In order to receive a refund, a medical certificate must be provided which proves that you or your spouse/partner, your children, children-in-law, grandchildren, siblings, parents, grandparents and parents-in-law, your brother/sister-in-law or your travelling companions are suffering from acute illness, or have been subject to an accident or death which mean that you are unable, or are able only with considerable difficulty, to travel.

Acute illness covered by the insurance policy is understood to be a newly occurring illness, reasonable suspicion of a newly occurring and serious condition, or an unexpected worsening of an existing or chronic condition. The medical certificate must be received by Greenland Travel no later than one month after cancellation.

Price for Cancellation Insurance

At Greenland Travel, we offer various travel insurance policies with ERV Denmark (Europæiske Erv). The illness cancellation insurance costs 6 % of the cost of the tour.

Please note that you may already have cancellation insurance included in your annual travel insurance policies or via your credit card, etc. We recommend that you check such policies prior to taking out sickness cancellation insurance.

Travel insurance

Supplemental insurances are available covering accidents, baggage, compensation for travel, and late arrival. These insurances must be bought in your own country.